Today early in the morning the weather is already hot sun. I reached office early today. Two of my friend’s winson and grace both just added a new born baby into they’re family. Haha… Congrats to them. Just feel I have quite a number of friends getting married, like Charlene and shi min.
Last Saturday
Having BBQ at rain’s mum house, with maple guild mates. Dan Dan so good he buy 3 kind of different cake for me, max and blur boy. Too bad I didn’t take photo for it. It a very tasty chocolate cake from four leaves. A lot people I just met… aiikemi, shadow dancer, starsizz, omfgitshihao, john, ray’s family, mey, letter, kaz , Alex, lings and bit. Still got a lot people…. Foods got curry chicken, satay, hot dogs , crab meats, fried rice, drink, cute small apple and chicken wings… and more. I feel our relationship bond more strong le. Gene played ball with Ray’s 3 cute daughters. Gene really likes children very much. After BBQ we went back home play maple till 4am than sleep.
Sunday noon
I awake at 3pm than faster bath and wash up and go west mall with Gene to buy my birthday present watch. Ha ha… yeah!! The watch really nice and I like it very much. Dinner with Gene family at bpp plaza at street’s Hong Kong restaurant. After dinner they also booked Genting trip bus ticket, they also invited me with them...
I really feel I have more and more closer to Gene life. Hope I can spent rest of my future with he. I still got a lot thing to do and share with him… Gene Dear thank you for staying with me by my side. I can see those thing you have been doing it for me (greedy Mel’s want more!! LoL). I will cherish this relationship de.
Photo on my birthday dinner at japan restaurant (24 november 2008 ,Monday)
Wei yi order a set meal, and he said it tast very nice wor.

William (All said he grow fatter le... hee.. hee...)

Me and Gene (See the big bowl? Eat till you full!! haha... but the noodle really nice and Must try!!)

Me and my Sister (Do we look alike?)