Hello my blog. Today is a raining Tuesday, a cold weather Tuesday... I'm eating my favorite mee goreng (Mi Goreng)and watching drama, movie online. Relaxing...
I had start to plan that after I get my salary for this month, I wanna to go shopping... shopping at bugis and orchard, H & M, mango, Zara, online shop... recently I heard alot about this newly open fashion clothing store at orchard building, H&M. I cant wait till my next pay day...!! Please come faster my pay day!
addicted with this tasty maggie mee 'Mi Goreng' @ $1.25

Bought a new bag online @ Tian Fen Lan

using my newly bag... before heading out...

Watching Johnny English 2 with V at bugis iluma, filmgarde

Went H&M shopping with V & Belle

singing k with V and his friends

an old photo taken few months back... still remember this?

our front desk...

the early morning of liang seah street, bugis, got the feel of 'oldie'

The $4 breakfast from McDonald (value save from 6am-9am)

Miss Universe 2011

The black beauty

Miss Singapore 2011

I started to miss the days that I was in love. I kind of thinking that I m really totally used to my life now and love my life now with friends and family only. I do want to fall in love again... I miss the feeling of in love. I don't want to be single and alone anymore.
天天都要有好心情 - XoXo ♥ Melody