Yeah. Tomorrow is a holiday. Can rest at home and sleep late…Just Msn chat with Charlene, she just getting married and now is at china with her hubby. She showed me some of her webbing photo that taken from china. The view is very nice, and she say is cheap to take webbing photo there. (LoL. Of cause.) Hope I can meet her and her hubby soon when she came back sg.
Last Saturday
As usually working half day… Is my off day actually but Alice’s mom got sick so I exchanged off with her.
After work I went meet gene for movie and lunch at Cathay cinema (haha. Our favorites place). And the steak house… the cheap steak house restaurant… a lot people queuing, so I went buy ticket first. I was wondering we should watch my best friend girl’s , mama Mia or the house bunny? I cant decide so I called gene to see what is his choice, but he never answer, so I choose to watch mama Mia. After buying the ticket and I went back to the restaurant, gene already inside and wait for me to order foods. This time I try BBQ chicken chop and gene ordered double – up chicken chop. I feel last time de chicken chop taste better. After finish the lunch we went play pool, but I don’t know how to play pool. Just want to try play with it again. After pool than went back Cathay to watch movie. The movie story was simple and got sing a lot old song. A story with singing and dancing movie. I feel 6/10 cause the story line not strong enough and abit simple movie. But they sing and dance really nice. The story is about a girl who is getting married soon, but she wish her father to sent her off for the webbing. But she never see her father before and her mom don’t like to talk about her father. After reading her mom dairy and she found 3 men’s possible to be her father and she invite 3 of them to her webbing. So which one of them could be her father?? Find the answer from the movie ba. Haha.

This coming Saturday is my sister birthday, don't know what should buy for her. Maybe buy a guess wallet for her. Cause Last time when shopping with her and gene we went in a guess shop and she say her want buy a wallet but scare wei yi not happy, cause she just buy a wallet this year (chinese new year).
OK. It time to go back work liao. 1 more hour to go. Later night I will be play maple and zakum with my guild mate. Hope will earn some mesos from it. Wahaha.. Happy Holiday!!