After movie we have our dinner at a Western restaurant at 4th floor Cathay cinema. All the foods are very cheap. A main course with 2 side dish at ONLY $6.50. I feel is very cheap and the chicken chop tasty not bad. The service there alot quite good. I feel like going back again if I went there for a movie. After that gene sent me home.
Meet gene at my house. Cause we going Sim lim sq to upgrade my CPU. He reached my house around 11am and bought breakfast for me. hee hee... how sweet is he. Thank you darling. After prepare up We take bus 67 (again bus 67. everyday take this bus to work de) to Sim lim sq. Poor gene have been carrying my heavy cpu all the way to there. We went to suntec city to see the comex it fair. Alot of people there of cause, very crowed and you can see rubbish all around the floor. Never buy anything from there, after finish the walk for the it fair we went marina sq for dinner at pizza hut. After finished dinner we went back to Sim lim sq, suddenly I decided to buy a window xp installation CD. But is already late for he (the it teachian) to install it for me. So we have to wait till tomorrow for allow he to have some time to install the window xp for me than I can get my cpu. Than we shop awhile at bugis street than went back home with gene.
Went to Sim lim sq with gene to get back my CPU. We take a cab to my house, and gene help me to fix it. Finally can have a better graphic when I play online game!!! BUT..... the lousy LCD monitor still will black screen sudden when I gaming half way. Haiz...
So I decided to buy a new LCD monitor to replace the oldie chi Mei LCD. Heart is pain when I paid the cash... when than can I see my bank back to my target?? Gonna to eat grass or bread for this two months le... sob sob...
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