At sky ride with gene (Iike this picture of us <3)
Saturday, Me and gene meet Jeslin and Lion to sentosa watch song of the sea (musical fountain last time, they revolution and change to song of the sea) . In the morning 10am gene smsed me said his on the way to my house come fetch me, lol, but I just awake. Than he waited for me at my house and I go to prepare, about an hour we take bus 188 to harbour front. We have breakfast/lunch at the harbour front hawker center (chicken rice, only $3 and very tasty!!). Meet Jeslin and Lion 1pm at harbour front mrt station and buy ticket at Vivo city. After buying the ticket (we buy the package ticket ($33.90 cable car & 3 active + $5 Addition 1 actitive + $8 song of the sea) to sentosa, we take the monorails to cross over the sea to sentosa (first time take the monorails there). We go image of Singapore and tiger tower ride (360 view about 50 floor from top of sentosa) with Jeslin and Lion. Than me and gene went to see merlion and jeslin and lion went to see butterfly garden, cause we choice different actitive. After merlion view we went sky ride and huge than dinner at a cafe (we order a pizza to eat, $17.80... sob so expensive). Meet jeslin and Lion at 7.20pm for the show of song of the sea. The show is very beautiful and enjoyable, it worth it to paid $8 for the show (I rate 9/10). We take cable car back to Vivo city than take bus 963 back home at around 9pm.
walking to image of Singapore (Lol... gene de leg?)

Old time of singapore
Indian flower??
Take a photo at old house in Singapore old time

A Old Old music player
you should know where is it (Indian Temple)... LoL...
Old time de cinema??
Inside the tiger sky tower

top view of the merlion... see the view behind us.... the sunlight is... very bright.
Yu mei ren??
Let go play huge. Need wear helmet and photo time. (is very fun)
On the sky ride (OMG!!! Scary!! very high)
view before start of the show 7.20pm (song of the sea)
Song of the sea, water, light and fire show
Nice view?? nice picture? Take before we go take cable car back...
Wake up at 10am, wash up than play a new online game (Holic) with gene. The game seem quite fun but the leveling like very slow. And seem don't have much people playing also. But Still fun anyway, I like the cloths and character. We have lunch at 1pm and continue the game than have dinner with his family than gene sent me home.
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