Today office Internet down. Sobs... So cant surf net and chat in msn le. Of cause cant blog also le. So i have to use note pad to type about today. So Boring....When did the uncle zinc (our company it technical) coming? I going to falling asleep soon...Lucky I still got some paper work to do and radio to listen.
At 2pm uncle zinc called and said................. He is not coming to our office today cause he is too busy,will come to office at 9.30am tomorrow. Sad... sob sob.. 3 more hours to go...
you and me... we were sharing one little umbrella... little umbrella... rain so big...I can care of you , you can care me.... (LoL... from power 98 FM)
Finally Internet is up at 3.30pm!!! Later will going to meet gene and his friends play pool or bowling at marina sq. Today nothing much to do in office also. So feel very sleepy just now when Internet haven't up. Yesterday night never sleep well cause in the middle of the night suddenly feel my stomach very painful. This morning stomach still pain until noon than getting better. Think I have to rest well and catch up my sleep till weekend. Hope can go sentosa this Saturday with jeslin and lion.

A piglet that gene give me. He say he asked his friend bought it from Hong Kong for his girlfriend.

Photo that taken from last saturday (9/8/2008) before going out with gene
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