Good Morning.
Just waken up by breathless in my middle of the sleep. I wanted to hold the breath and breath in properly by using my nose, Just now the whole sleeping period I was using my mouth to breath de.But it seem abit uneasy for me now. It like my nose get struck, very hard to caught my breath when using my nose.So I woke up from my sleep and sit up continue trying to use my nose to breath in the air. But still hard to caught my breath by using my nose.So I get up from my bed and sit on my chair awhile, on my computer, surf net while i continue to breath in by using nose.Wanted to blog but blogger is having server check? Cant log in blogger at 7am.....Now I feel much better le, but very tired and sleepy. I think i will continue my sleep until after I get tired of surfing net.
I will try to be happy and enjoy the every moment of my life no matter what is going to happen. Nothing is going to stop me for being happy in any moment of my life.Enjoy living.... life is precious.... I will cherish it.
A view that I will miss... A View when I look out from my bed room window....
This land was going to become CCK ITE in year 2010

This is My office.... My desk.....
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