Good morning. It Monday... a new starting week. Yawns. Monday blue? I think so. (=.=) Not so busy in office, but I cant help to feel the bored when I was in the office. I HATE WORKING.......
Last week Saturday I and gene meet out for a movie. We watched Journey To The Center of The Earth at 9.20pm at The Cathay cinema. After buying the ticket for the movie and is still very early so we went for our dinner first at long john sliver. After the dinner we go back to The Cathay 6th floor sit at the sofa there to slack and chat till 9pm, than went to buy pop corn (I love the pop corn here, which they selling at this cinema) and drink also toilet first before the movie start. The movie is interesting, quite funny, from starting of the movie already entertaining till the end of the show and I feel is worth to watching it. I rate it 8/10 for the movie. After movie gene sent me back home.

Sunday I meet gene again to have lunch and we rented 4 movie at bukit panjang plaza to go his house watch. And He show me the new game devil may cry which he and his brother playing. The game seem not bad, the character look cool and handsome and the game story also not bad. After than gene sent me back home.
Tomorrow 120808 is my secondary school class mate friend Charlene ROM. I cant attend her ROM cause need work. I wish her and her hubby en en ai ai dao bai tou fa.
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