I just changed my blog skin. Well, I know this skin might be too cute for me to use at my age but I just like it. Because I like pink colours. It took me 5 days of my free time to finish edit the template but still got some more to edit it. valentine day is just a week more, I was still thinking what to buy for gene. Men's present is abit hard to think of it. I found valentine day is just like a normal day for couple. Because got when you got a valentine means everyday is valentine day. I feel valentine day is more like for single people. Because valentine day make single people feel more lonely on that day. Time file... tomorrow is our 9th months anniversary.
+ Happy 9th months anniversary Dearie +
Gene... this person I was very curious to find out all the thing about he and all the thing that happen to he before. Example like, one day my lady boss catch ah fei (my work place kitchen staff) buying blue (R21 video) DVDs. I was surprise that ah fei got watch this kind of video. Ah fei wants to pretends that he is buying those cartoon DVDs than my boss say "don't act and not need to hide it anymore, cause I already saw it." She say "haiz, men's kind." "all men's are the same kind." Than I was thinking... Gene got watch all this DVDs? Did he like to watch those kind of DVDs? hee hee... Well, I don't mind if he got watch all this kind of DVDs but just don't let me saw it because I don't like it. hee hee... I was so curious about he. What type of guy he is? When we get old will we be still celebrating valentine day? Cause Alice say she never celebrate it anymore because her hubby say they already old liao.
The second thing I m missing it was hwee chin. My primary school best friend. We less contact each other when she was married. She has 2 kids now. She was busy with her work and family. She told me her also studying part time when I was last meet her. I wondering when I got the chance to meet her again. Should I just call her to meet up? Think I shall find a time to meet her up. Hope she is happy with her hubby and kids.
It time to plan my holiday trip le, where should I go? Hongkok, Taiwan or Thailand Bangkok again? Yes, I misses the days when I was at Bangkok with Gene. There was so fun, thing are cheap, foods are cheap and services are good. I don't mind going back Bangkok to shopping and have fun again.
The second thing I m missing it was hwee chin. My primary school best friend. We less contact each other when she was married. She has 2 kids now. She was busy with her work and family. She told me her also studying part time when I was last meet her. I wondering when I got the chance to meet her again. Should I just call her to meet up? Think I shall find a time to meet her up. Hope she is happy with her hubby and kids.
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