Good Monday to all. lols. Yesterday finally I went 2 ht party and both party successfully downed horn tail. Nothing much about last weekends. Sataruday, I meet Gene for dinner and movie at west mall. We eat prawn hokkien mee at the food courts and went repair my shoes at B1 then movie. We watched 'the proposal'. Is a very damn nice show, funny and romantic. I like the main actor Andrew say to Margaret when she was trying to climb down from a rope with step to a speed boat then Andrew say "congrats, and I m 100 years old". A great movie for weekends. Sunday, wake up at 7.15am, login maple for first ht run than slack at home and wait for Gene to come my house with my lunch. haha... than I nap for an hour and bath and out with Gene for his family dinner. After dinner went to Gene house. Bought a int30 female amour for my bishop from fm. Price to be secret cause I don't want to get hack. lols. Went back home login maple again for second ht run. Then sleep at 1am... yawns. So late. But still I had register for this coming sunday late night ht party again... X_X Hopefully I can get all ht items for my bishop soon. Got to go train my new character liao... xoxo, ta ta! here is the picture we had took last Sunday!
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