Just watched channel 8 7pm show and paint my foot nail with dark red colour. Relaxing at home nothing to do. Tomorrow umi say want to go heeren shopping center to buy a jacket. I still wondering want to buy or not cause I hear that Bangkok got alot jacket and cloths. I still thinking about a earring which I saw it on last Saturday at far east plaza one of the shop selling. I didn't buy cause it too expensive $29.90. Umi say we can go exchange Thai money on Saturday and start packing on Sunday. One more week to Bangkok!!
My sister say the US$80million dollar movie show "Red Cliff Part 1" is on cinema now and she just watched it and ask me to go watch it cause is very nice. Lol. I don't feel like to watching it cause I don't like war movie/ show. But she say is worth to watch it... and my collage Alice also say the movie very nice... She already watch it with her husband. Hmmm.... so should I give it a try on Saturday last night movie again with my dear umi?

Red Cliff Part 1
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