I went to lot one first to buy her and my boss son birthday present then took train down to bugis. Dinner with them at 'chong qin' steamboat and then we head over to power house. Doll ordered 2 cup of don't know what is the name for the drink. The drink is with fire on it when we drinking. I share the fire drink with choon li and doll shared her drink with jasmine. When I finish drinking the fire drink I can feel that I m going to drunk soon... lols. And choon li say that she didn't drink much for the fire drink... dots... Doll also ordered another 1 more bottle of alcohol and her bf also ordered a bottle of alcohol too. Total 2 bottle of alcohol So in the end we all drunk and siened... Only choon li not so drunk-ed. lol. Took cab home with choon li and my sis. Then bath and then sleep. What a enjoyable Saturday night... =)

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