Four Christmas (2008)
Wei yi order a set meal, and he said it tast very nice wor.
William (All said he grow fatter le... hee.. hee...)
Me and Gene (See the big bowl? Eat till you full!! haha... but the noodle really nice and Must try!!)
Me and my Sister (Do we look alike?)
Finally today Friday Internet than up…. Zzz... tomorrow weekend le, yeah!!! Will be meeting my secondary school mate at Charlene house tomorrow for buffet dinner. Haha.. Some of them I have very long time never see them le, miss them all. Hope all are doing fine.
Enjoy weekend to ALL!!!
+ 3 more days to Mine birthday +
Today after work hope can meet Gene again cause I missed he... Got alot thing to chat with he, but he was busy for his exam paper and need more time to study... sob... Haiz... never mind I must be understanding. Got to go back work le,
Wish Have a great weekend.
Before going out with Gene going bugis have lunch at nydc
Taking at LRT in train
After the movie gene sent me home and he stayed awhile than go back home le.
:+ Another 1 month and 4 days to Mel's brithday +:
How to celebrat leh??? Hmm... dinner with friends... and must have xiao wang along, But go where celebrat better? Feel like going ktv... haha... I want a small cake with candle, cause I want to make a wish for this year... hee hee...
Last week Tuesday Me and Gene watched The House Bunny at lot 1. The show was very funny. About the bunny girl, her friend jealous about her and set her up. She gets kicked out from playboy mansion house and no where to go. Than she meet alot differents people and get to know friends from outside (since young she was live in the mansion house) mansion house. This story is like about "flirt". After all I feel this movie is worth to watch for me. Rate:8/10
OK. It time to go back work liao. 1 more hour to go. Later night I will be play maple and zakum with my guild mate. Hope will earn some mesos from it. Wahaha.. Happy Holiday!!
Good Evening, Everyone! I just bought a pair of movie ticket to catch 'Captain America 2' coming this Thursday! Hope it will be a ...