Last Saturday, wake up at 7am to prepare to went JB with Li ling, D and P. Met P at yishun and we took bus to meet li ling. At 9.30am D came and pick us up. I was so happy and excited! Cause it's been years I never went JB with friends.
Yay! In D car! On our way to our JB trip!!
chill at 'old town white coffee' while waiting for our movie start. My first time to try out at old town cafe...
guess what this drink is? it's orange juice=)
I cant believed we had watched 2 movie in a roll!! (Salt and The expendables) And I think I fell asleep in the midden of the second movie that we watched. 'The expendables'... =X
Took alot photo... but we forget to take photo with D... =( Hope got the chance to take photo with you D. hahas.

Dinner time. forget to took picture of our dinner... Zzz... only this delicious fish cake.
Thank you Li ling to asked me to join you all for the JB trip. And thank you D and P for the day. keke... Another happy Saturday spent-ed.
They wanted to see me fall... But I wont fall! I will stand and survive and be strong and keep on frightening. Because I know I can do it!
xoxo, with ♥ Melody.
Thank you Li ling to asked me to join you all for the JB trip. And thank you D and P for the day. keke... Another happy Saturday spent-ed.
They wanted to see me fall... But I wont fall! I will stand and survive and be strong and keep on frightening. Because I know I can do it!
xoxo, with ♥ Melody.
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