Monday, after my work, I meet up with my girlfriends again for a event. We had registered a pizza hut tweeter party! Thanks to Li ling for inform me and asked me to join the party.

early in the morning... dress up for work!
7.30pm at suntec city for tweeter party at pizza hut.

get a card and introduce ourselves to each other people there at the party.
And we introduce to all people at the party how much we know about the new friends after we had chatted for awhile.

after getting now the new friends in the party, let get start having our pizza dinner!!

Li Ling and her dinner... haha.

my favorite sweet and spi cy drumlets...
we are having alot of fun at the party... don't you think so? hehe...
our name tag.

my new friends and me... the princess family cards. haha. guess which card is mine?
fill up the feed back form before we leaving.

Us... with our goodies bag...!
the stuff in the goodies bag.
We had so much fun at the pizza hut tweeters party event! I really hope there is more coming up. I missed you girls (Li ling and Ying and C). Thanks for bringing the fun to me.
You know You love me, xoxo, melody ♥
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